Thursday, June 11, 2009

How To Become A Tour Guide.

This is how to become a tour guide.
1.Which of these rooms doesnt have music playing in the backround? Pet shop
2.In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times? Boiler Room
3.What item is always hidden in a diffrent place in the clothing catalog every month? The Viking Helmet
4. How many sled racing tracks are there? 4
5. Which of these games has a shark in it? Jetpack Adventure
6. Which room has a cuckoo clock? Ski Lodge
7. Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it? Beach
8. What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers ship? The Migrator
You are now a tour guide. 


Anonymous said...

I know that.Also that's cheating. YOU are meant to be honest and say what you know, not cheat and find the answers. :|

fluffy54605 said...

what do you mean?

Woddylan said...

He means that he thinks its cheating and your really Supposed to do it yourself not look it up on a site

fluffy54605 said...

well in case people cant do it, im helping them