Saturday, April 25, 2009

club penguin mission guide 6

talk to G (as always) follow klutzy go right then left cut the rope on the o berrie bag and take it and feed a o berrie to the puffle to the right now go to the right and throw a o berrie in the door and go inside talk to Herbert go to the left from inside the cage and put a o berrie on the tilting platform now put a o berrie on the water lever and put a o berrie on the roped platform the cage will lift go to the left and pick up the hook thing, the rope, the plans and the hot sauce then take a o berrie and put the hot sauce on it and place it in the snow and go through the snow and go left and put the hook thing with the rope then go right 2 times and click the hill and put the hook on the edge with the snow and go to the ski lodge and in the gone fishing door and go to the pizza parler and order a seaweed pizza now go back out the gone fishing door and put it by Herbert and click the bottom lever and talk to G and give G the plans and claim your prize

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