talk to G and look at the blinking camera go to the invention cabinet and click the magnet and type in key in secret spy code now go to the iceburg and put the magnet on the icecube now go to the pizza parler and get the music now go to the town and get the picture from rookie now go to the beach and get the bucket now go to the snow forts and put the bucket anywhere and scoop up the sand then go to the stage and click the piano and put the music on the stand and play the music and give the puffle the gear picture and give him the bucket of sand now take the bucket and the gear now go to the dock and click on the penguins and win the snowball throwing and take the target now go to the sports shop and click the life preserver now go to the dock and give it to the penguins now go to the HQ in the gadget room and place the gear on the test chamber and click the lever and click the snow icon and pull the lever again now take the gear and place the frozen spring and put it on the test chamber and pull the lever and press the fire icon and pull the lever again now take the spring and go to the snow forts and click on the clock and put the parts back in now talk to G and claim your prize
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