Thursday, April 9, 2009

so much going on!

so much going on! first quest for the golden puffle is coming back to the stage! the Easter egg hunt starts tomorrow! there is going to be a new pin tom and there is going to be a new catalog next friday not tom

there is also a find the rooms contest so i decided to make a contest! whoever can name all the rooms that these things are in get coins up to 1,000 coins but i need your email and penguin name and password hope you guys trust me i will never and i mean NEVER ban any penguins you give me the password for i am not a banner! oh and you will also get a invite to a party before I post it on this site and and you also get the EPF stuff so if you answer you get three things 1. as many coins as you want up to 1,000 2. EPF stuff (a certificate and access to the EPF room) and 3. a secret invite to a party before anyone else all i need is your penguin name, email and your password and again i will NEVER EVER ban i promise o.k. if you agree here are the rooms (longest post yet!) fluffy54605 out!

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